Play Our Part

Scotland's Leading Promoter and Event Management Company

Reducing Emissions

Our generators are powered by sustainably sourced biofuel, reducing fuel emissions by up to 90%.

We’re also working with Strathclyde University to smarten up our energy consumption.

Avoiding Plastic

In 2023, we ran our first ever plastic-free events at the Royal Highland Showgrounds. 

We’re aiming to eradicate single-use plastic (including water & soft drink bottles) from our events by 2030. By bringing your soft reusable water bottle you have access to unlimited water refills at our water points.

Make sure your refillable water bottle is made of soft, collapsible material and holds 500ml or less.

Increasing Recycling

The average recycling rate across our outdoor events in 2023 was 63% - a 1% increase on the previous year. 

We can only get better with your help. By using our composting bins to recycle cups and food containers, you’re helping to turn waste into energy and heat for Scottish homes.

Event specific initiatives such as cup return schemes will be communicated in advance and on site.


Plant-based diets can reduce emissions from food consumption by as much as 73%.

We worked with food vendors in 2023 to ensure more than two thirds of available meals were vegan-friendly, with further increases planned for 2024. 

By checking them out, you’ll find some great scran whilst reducing on site emissions.


Keep the emission reductions coming and avoid the car queues by travelling by train, 
bus, walking or cycling. Travelling by public transport can cut emissions by over 80% compared to going by car.

Avoid the car park queues – our events often have additional transport provided by external
parters, including private coaches and additional trains. Check event-specific info for details.

Under 22s get free bus travel across Scotland also – it’s a no brainer!

Together we can Play Our Part.